Wind turbines
The development of renewable energy considerably increased in Europe and in the world. Wind energy now represents the second source of renewable energy in Europe. However, collisions and barotraumas with wind turbines are thought to be one of the main threats for bats. Moreover, several studies demonstrated another type of impact of wind turbines: habitat loss. The most complete study (Barré et al., 2018) showed that proximity to wind turbines had a negative effect on the activity of 3 species (Barbastella barbastellus, Nyctalus lesleiri and Pipistrellus pipistrellus), 2 species groups (Myotis and Plecotus) and 2 bat guilds (aerial hawkers and gleaners) on at least 1000 m.
This PhD thesis is thus conducted in a context in which it is paramount to assess, quantify and predict the impacts of wind energy on biodiversity. This is necessary to reach the goal of no net biodiversity loss.
Study containt
Type of effect - how does the effect of wind turbines vary in function of:
The landscape (woodlands, hedges, open landscape) ?
The seasons ?
The time since the wind farm is in service ? (secondary question)
Origin of the effect - identify sources of habitat loss :
Wind turbine lighting – Master thesis (2021)
The moving or the speed of the rotor ?
Machine specificities: rotor diameter, hub height, wind turbine density, models, etc. (secondary question)
Optimisation of recommendations in terms of offset measures: which hedges should we put first and how to set them?