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Ancre 1
French Bat Acoustic Monitoring Program: Vigie-Chiro
Persons involved: Yves Bas, Christian Kerbiriou, Jean-François Julien & Charlotte Roemer
Timing: since 2006
Vigie-Chiro is the French national bat monitoring scheme relying on citizen science and acoustic recordings. The project started with 2 protocols in 2006 : car and walk transects. The stationary points protocol started in 2014. Data collected are raw acoustic files (WAC or WAV), which are automatically processed with the TADARIDA bat identification software (see Bas et al. 2017 and Barré et al. 2019). The data collected now allows to calculate population trends for 7 species.
Most recent statistics of participation for stationary points (March 2024):
26,001 sampled points
115,375 full nights of standardised recordings
961 participants
750 TB of data​

Sampling effort


How to get involved
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