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Barré, K., Baudouin, A., Froidevaux, J. S.P., Chartendrault, V., Kerbiriou, C. (2023) Insectivorous bats alter their flight and feeding behaviour at ground-mounted solar farms. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61, 328-339.

Sotillo A., Le Viol I., Barré K., Bas Y., Kerbiriou C. (2024) Context-dependent effects of wind turbines on bats in rural landscapes. Biological Conservation, 295: 110647

Leroux C., Barré K., Valet N., Le Viol I., Kerbiriou C. (2024) Distribution of common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) activity is altered by airflow disruption generated by wind turbines. PLOS ONE, 19: e0303368

Ravache, A., K. Barré, B. Normand, C. Goislot, A. Besnard, and C. Kerbiriou. (2024) Monitoring carcass persistence in windfarms : Recommendations for estimating mortality. Biological Conservation 292: 110509




Froidevaux J.S.P., Toshkova N., Barbaro L., Benítez-López A., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I., Pacifici M., Santini L., Stawski C., Russo D., Dekker J., Alberdi A., Amorim F., Ancillotto L., Barré K., Bas Y., Cantú-Salazar L., Devaux T., Eldegard K., Fereidouni S., Furmankiewicz J., Hamidovic D., Hill D.L., Ibáñez C., Julien JF., Juste J., Kaňuch P., Korine C., Laforge A., Legras G., Leroux C., LesiÅ„ski G., Mariton L., Marmet J., Mata V., Mifsud C.M., Nistreanu V., Novella-Fernandez R., Rebelo H., Roche N., Roemer C., RuczyÅ„ski I., Sørås R., Uhrin M., Vella A., Voigt CC., Razgour O. 2023. EuroBaTrait 1.0, a species-level trait database of bats in Europe and beyond. Scientific data, 10, 253 (2023).


Behr O, K Barré, F Bontadina, R Brinkmann, M Dietz, T Disca, J Froidevaux, S Ghanem, S Huemer, J Hurst, S Kaminsky, V Kelm, F Korner-Nievergelt, M Lauper, P Lintott, C Newman, T Peterson, J Proksch, C Roemer, W Schorcht & M Nagy. 2023. Standardized and referenced acoustic monitoring reliably estimates bat fatality risk at wind turbines:  comments on ‘Limitations of acoustic monitoring at wind turbines to evaluate fatality risk of bats’. Mammal Review


Barré K., Froidevaux J.S.P Sotillo A., Roemer C., Kerbiriou C., Drivers of bat activity at wind turbines advocate for mitigating bat exposure using multicriteria algorithm-based curtailment. Science of the Total Environment, in press


Mariton L., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Zanda B., Kerbiriou C. 2023. Characterising diel activity patterns to design conservation measures: Case study of European bat species. Biological Conservation, 277, 109852.


Hazard QCK, Froidevaux JSP, Yoh N, Moore J, Senawi J, Gibson L & AF Plameirim. 2023. Foraging guild modulates insectivorous bat responses to habitat loss and insular fragmentation in peninsular Malaysia. Biological Conservation, In Press. 


Froidevaux JSP, Jones G, Kerbiriou C & K Park. 2023. Acoustic activity of bats at power lines correlates with ambient relative humidity: a potential role for corona discharges. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, In Press.




Barré K., Froidevaux J.S.P., Leroux C., Mariton L., Fritze M., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Roemer C., 2022. Over a decade of failure to implement EUROBATS guidelines in wind energy planning: a call for action. Conservation Science and Practice 4 (11), e12805.


Leroux C., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I., Valet N., Barré K. 2022. Distance to hedgerows drives local repulsion and attraction of wind turbines on bats: implications for spatial siting. Journal Applied Ecology, 59(8): 2142-2153.


Mariton L., Kerbiriou C., Bas Y., Zanda B., Le Viol I. 2022. Even low light pollution levels affect the spatial distribution and timing of activity of a“light tolerant” bat species. Environmental Polution, 305, 119267.


Barré K., Vernet A., Azam C., Le Viol I., Dumont A., Deana T., Vincent S., Challéat S., Kerbiriou C., 2022. Landscape composition drives the impacts of artificial 1 light at night on insectivorous bats. Environmental Pollution, 292: 118394


Laforge, A., Barbaro, L., Bas, Y., Calatayud, F., Ladet, S., Sirami, C., Archaux, F., 2022. Road density and forest fragmentation shape bat communities in temperate mosaic landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning 221, 104353.


Froidevaux JSP*, Duarte G*, Fonseca A, Zina V, Conde S, Ferreira MT & MR Fernandes. 2022. The location and vegetation physiognomy of ecological infrastructures determine bat activity in Mediterranean floodplain landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 332, 107929


Froidevaux JSP*, Laforge A*, Larrieu L, Barbaro L, Park K, Fialas PC & G Jones. 2022. Tree size, microhabitat diversity and landscape structure determine the value of isolated trees for bats in farmland. Biological Conservation 267, 109476.



Laforge A., Archaux F., Coulon A., Sirami C., Froidevaux J., Gouix N., Ladet S., Hilaire M., Kerbiriou C., Barré K., Roemer C., Claireau F., Barbaro L. 2021. Landscape composition and life-history traits influence bat movement and space use: a global analysis of 30 years of telemetry data. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30: 2442-2454. 


Pauwels J., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Valet N., Kerbiriou C., 2021 Adapting street lighting to limit light pollution’s impacts on bats. Global Ecology and Conservation, 28, e01648


Blary C., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I., Barré K., 2021. Assessing the importance of field margins for bat species and communities in intensive agricultural landscapes. Agriculture Ecosystem & Environment 319, 107494


Roemer, C., Julien, J.-F., Bas, Y., 2021. An automatic classifier of bat sonotypes around the world. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12, 2432–2444.


Barré, K., Spoelstra, K., Bas, Y., Challéat, S., Kiri Ing, R., Azam, C., Zissis, G., Lapostolle, D., Kerbiriou, C., Le Viol, I., 2021. Artificial light may change flight patterns of bats near bridges along urban waterways. Animal Conservation 24, 259–267.


Barré, K., Kerbiriou, C., Ing, R.-K., Bas, Y., Azam, C., Le Viol, I., Spoelstra, K., 2021. Bats seek refuge in cluttered environment when exposed to white and red lights at night. Movement Ecology 9, 1–11.


Froidevaux JSP, Barbaro L, Vinet O, Larrieu L, Bas Y, Molina J, Calatayud F & A Brin. 2021. Bat responses to changes in forest composition and prey abundance depend on landscape matrix and stand structure. Scientific Reports 10586.


Dubos N, Kerbiriou K, Julien J-F, Barbaro L, Barré K, Claireau F, Froidevaux JSP, Le Viol I, Lorrillière R, Roemer C, Verfaillie F & Y Bas. 2021. Going beyond species richness and abundance: robustness of community specialisation measures in short acoustic surveys. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 343-363.


Claireau, F., Kerbiriou, C., Charton, F., de Almeida Braga, C., Ferraille, T., Julien, J.-F., Machon, N., Allegrini, B., Puechmaille, S.J., Bas, Y., 2021. Bat overpasses help bats to cross roads safely by increasing their flight height. Acta Chiropterologica 23, 189–198.


Roemer, C., Coulon, A., Disca, T., Bas, Y., 2021. Influence of local landscape and time of year on bat-road collision risks. Peer Community Journal.


Millon, L., Barré, K., Julliard, R., Compère, P., & Kerbiriou, C. (2021). Calculation of biodiversity level between different land-uses to improve conservation outcomes of biodiversity offsetting. Land Use Policy, 101, 105161.





Froidevaux, J. S., Boughey, K. L., Hawkins, C. L., Jones, G., & Collins, J. (2020). Evaluating survey methods for bat roost detection in ecological impact assessment. Animal conservation, 23(5), 597-606.


Barré K., Spoelstra K., Yves Bas, Challéat S., Kiri Ing R., Azam C., Zissis G., Lapostolle D., Kerbiriou C*., Le Viol I.*, 2020. Artificial light may change flight patterns of bats near bridges along urban waterways. Animal Conservation,


Kerbiriou C., Barré K., Mariton L., Pauwels J., Zissis G., Robert A., Le Viol I., 2020. Switching LPS to LED streetlight may dramatically reduce activity and foraging of bats. Diversity 12(4), 165


Kerbiriou C. Parisot-Laprun M. 2020. Disentangling effects of local and landscape variables on attractiveness of restored gravel-sand pits for bat foraging activities. Land Degradation and Development 31: 2329– 2339


Mimet A., Kerbiriou C., Simon L., Julien J.F., Raymond R., 2020. Contribution of private gardens to habitat availability, connectivity and conservation of the common pipistrelle in Paris Landscape and Urban Planning 193,


Claireau F., Kerbiriou C., Charton F., De Almeida Braga C., Ferraille T., Julien J-F., Machon N., Allegrini B., Puechmaille S., Bas Y. Bat overpasses help bats to cross roads safely by increasing their flight height Acta Chiropterologica in press


Froidevaux, J. S.*, Roemer, C.*, Lemarchand, C., Marti-Carreras, J., Maes, P., Rufray, V., Uriot Q., Uriot S. & Lopez-Baucells, A. (2020). Second capture of Promops centralis (Chiroptera) in French Guiana after 28 years of mist-netting and description of its echolocation and distress calls. Acta Amazonica, 50(4), 327-334.



Roemer, C., Bas, Y., Disca, T., & Coulon, A. 2019. Influence of landscape and time of year on bat-wind turbines collision risks. Landscape Ecology, 34(12), 2869-2881.


Laforge, A., Archaux, F., Bas, Y., Gouix, N., Calatayud, F., Latge, T., & Barbaro, L. 2019. Landscape context matters for attractiveness and effective use of road underpasses by bats. Biological Conservation, 237, 409-422.


Barré K., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Julliard R., Kerbiriou C. 2019. Wind turbine impact on bat activity is not driven by siting altitude Addendum to “Estimating habitat loss due to wind turbine avoidance by bats: Implications for European siting guidance” [Biol. Conserv.] 226, 205–214: Biological Conservation, 235 (2) : 77-78


Roemer C., Coulon A., Disca T., Bas Y. 2019. Bat sonar and wing morphology predict species vertical niche

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145 (5), 3242-3251


Barré K., Le Viol I., Julliard R., Pauwels J., Newson S.E., Julien J.F., Claireau F., Bas Y.*, Kerbiriou C.*, 2019. Accounting for automated identification errors in acoustic surveys. Methods in Ecology and Evolution


Claireau F., Bas Y., Pauwels J., Puechmaille S., Julien J.F., Machon N., Allegrini B., Kerbiriou C. 2019. Major roads have important effects on insectivorous bats activity. Biological Conservation, 235, 53-62


Kerbiriou, C., Bas, Y.; Le Viol, I.; Lorrillière, R.; Mougnot, J.; Julien, J.-F. 2019. Bat Pass Duration Measurement: An Indirect Measure of Distance of Detection. Diversity, 11, 47.


Laforge A., Pauwels J., Faure B., Bas Y., Kerbiriou C., Fonderflick J., Besnard A. 2019. Reducing light pollution improves connectivity for bats in urban landscapes. Landscape and Urban planning


Claireau F., Bas Y., Julien J.F., Machon N., Allegrini B., Puechmaille S., Kerbiriou C. 2019. Bat overpasses as an alternative solution to restore habitat connectivity in the context of road requalification. Ecological Engineering accepted


Barbaro L., Allan E., Ampoorter E., Castagneyrol B., Charbonnier Y., De Wandeler H., Kerbiriou C., Milligan H.T., Vialatte A., Carnol M., Deconchat M., De Smedt P., Jactel H., Koricheva J., Le Viol I., Muys B., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Verheyen K., van der Plas F. 2019. Biotic predictors complement bat and bird response models to climate and tree diversity in European forests Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences accepted


Claireau F., Bas Y., Puechmaille S.J., Julien J.F., Allegrini B., Kerbiriou C. 2019. Bat overpasses: an insufficient solution to restore habitat connectivity across the road. Journal of Applied Ecology accepted;56:573–584.


Pauwels J., Le Viol I., Azam C., Valet N., Julien J.F., Lemarchand C., Bas Y., Sanchez de Miguel A., Kerbiriou C. 2019. Accounting for artificial light impact on bat activity for a biodiversity-friendly urban planning. Landscape and Urban planning, 183 : 12-25.


Kerbiriou C., Bas Y., Le Viol I., Lorrilliere R., Mougnot J., Julien J.F., 2019. Potentiality of the bat pass duration measure for studies dealing with bat activity. Bioacoustic 28 (2): 177 -192




Lacoeuilhe, A., Machon, N., Julien, J.-F., Kerbiriou, C. 2018. The relative effects of local and landscape characteristics of hedgerows on bats. Diversity, 10, 72.


Penone C., Kerbiriou C., Marmet J., Julien J.F., Le Viol I. 2018.  Body size information in large-scale acoustic bat databases. Peer J, 6:e5370


Barré K., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Julliard R., Kerbiriou C. 2018. Estimating habitat loss due to wind turbine avoidance by bats: implications for European siting guidance. Biological Conservation, 226: 205-214.


Pinaud D., Claireau F., Leuchtmann M., Kerbiriou C. 2018. Modelling landscape connectivity for greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) using an empirical quantification of resistance. Journal Applied Ecology 55: 2600–2611


Azam C., Le Viol I., Bas Y., Zissis G., Vernet A., Julien J.F., Kerbiriou C. 2018. Evidence for distance and illuminance thresholds in the effects of artificial lighting on bat activity. Landscape and Urban Planning 175: 123-135


Barré K., Le Viol I., Julliard R., Kerbiriou C. 2018. Weed control method drives conservation tillage efficiency on farmland breeding birds. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 256, 74-81.


Millon L., Colin C., Brescia F., Kerbiriou C. 2018. Wind turbines impact bat activity, leading to high losses of habitat use in a biodiversity hotspot. Ecological Engineering 112:51-54.


Barré K., Le Viol I., Julliard R., Chiron F. Kerbiriou C., 2018. Tillage and herbicide reduction mitigate the gap between conventional and organic farming effects on foraging activity of insectivorous bats. Ecology and Evolution 8(3): 1496–1506.


Kerbiriou C., Azam C., Touroult J., Marmet J., Julien J.F., Pellissier V., 2018. Common bats are more abundant within Natura 2000 areas. Biological Conservation 217: 66-74


Kerbiriou C., Parisot-Laprun M., Julien J.-F., 2018. Potential of restoration of gravel-sand pits for Bats, Ecological Engineering, 110: 137-145,




Roemer C., Disca T, Coulon A, Bas Y. 2017. Bat flight height monitored from wind masts predicts mortality risk at wind farms. Biological conservation 215, 116-122


Bas Y., Bas D., Julien JF. 2017. Tadarida: A toolbox for animal detection on acoustic recordings. Journal of open research software 5 (1) 19


Newson S, Bas Y, Murray A, Gillings S. 2017.Potential for coupling the monitoring of bush-crickets with established large-scale acoustic monitoring of bats. Methods in Ecology and Evolution




Lacoeuilhe A, Machon N, Julien J-F, Kerbiriou C. 2016.Effects of hedgerows on bats and bush crickets at different spatial scales. Acta Oecologica 71: 61-72


Jeliazkov A, Bas Y, Kerbiriou C, Julien J-F, Penone C, Le Viol I. 2016.Large-scale semi-automated acoustic monitoring allows to detect temporal decline of bush-crickets. Global Ecology and Conservation


Azam C, Le Viol I, Julien J-F, Kerbiriou C. 2016.Disentangling the relative effect of light pollution, impervious surfaces and intensive agriculture on bat activity with a national-scale monitoring program. Landscape Ecology




Millon L, Julien J-F, Julliard R, Kerbiriou C. 2015.Bat activity in intensively farmed landscapes with wind turbines and offset measures. Ecological Engineering, 75: 250-257


Azam C, Kerbiriou C, Vernet A, Julien J-F, Bas Y, Plichard L, Maratrat J, Le Viol I. 2015.Is part-night lighting an efficient measure to limit the impacts of artificial lighting on bats? Global Change Biology


Kerbiriou C, Julien J-F, Monsarrat S, Lustrat P, Haquart A, Robert A. 2015.Information on population trends and biological constraints from bat counts in roost cavities: a 22-year case study of a pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber) hibernaculum. Wildlife Research, 42: 35–43




Arthur L, Lemaire M, Dufrêne L, Le Viol I, Julien J-F, Kerbiriou C. 2014.Understanding bat-habitat associations and the effects of monitoring on long-term roost success using a volunteer dataset. Acta Chiropterologica, 16(2): 397–411


Vandevelde JC, Bouhours A, Julien J-F, Couvet C, Kerbiriou C. 2014.Activity of European common bats along railway verges. Ecological Engineering 64: 49-56


Lacoeuilhe A, Machon N, Julien J-F, Le Bocq A, Kerbiriou C. 2014.The Influence of LowIntensities of Light Pollution on Bat Communities in a Semi-Natural Context. PLOS ONE published31 Oct 2014




Regnery B, Couvet D, Kubarek L, Julien J-F, Kerbiriou C. 2013.Tree microhabitats as indicators of bird and bat communities in Mediterranean forests. Ecological Indicators 34: 221-230


Penone C., Kerbiriou C., Julien J.F., Julliard R., Machon, N., Le Viol I. 2013. Urbanisation effect on Orthoptera : which scale matters ? Insect Conservation and Diversity 6: 319–32.

Others : non-peer reviewed publications, book chapters …



Leroux C., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I., Vallet N., Barré K. 2023. Énergies renouvelables. Comment limiter l’impact des éoliennes sur la biodiversité ? Le Courrier de la Nature, 335 : 10-11 


Froidevaux JSP, Brin A, Barbaro L, Vinet O, Bas Y, Molina J, Calatayud F & L Larrieu. 2023. Dans les Cévennes, les peuplements adultes de conifères sont plus ou moins favorables aux chauves-souris selon le paysage environnant. Kawasorix, 17: 8-13.




Jones G & JSP Froidevaux. 2022. Soprano pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pygmaeus). Handbook of the Mammals of Europe.

Leroux C., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I., Valet N., Barré K. 2022. How can we limit wind turbine impacts on biodiversity ? The Applied Ecologist.


Roemer C, B Angin, L Arthur & M Leuchtmann. 2022. Bilan sur le contrôle qualité effectué par les DREAL sur les parcs éoliens en régulation. Symbioses nouvelle série, 39 :149-154.




Briggs P, Boonman A, Boonman M, Froidevaux JSP & K Barlow. 2021. An introduction to acoustic communication in bats. In Russ J, 2021: Bat Calls of Britain and Europe: A Guide to Species Identification (Bat Biology and Conservation). Pelagic Publishing.


Russ J, Y Bas, C Roemer, A Boonman, A Lefevre & M Van de Sijpe. 2021. A basic Echolocation guide to species. In Russ J, 2021: Bat Calls of Britain and Europe: A Guide to Species Identification (Bat Biology and Conservation). Pelagic Publishing.


Roemer C., Barré K., Bas Y., Froidevaux J., Julien J.F., Kerbiriou C., Leroux C., Le Viol I., Marmet J. 2021. Où et comment implanter les éoliennes pour épargner les chauves-souris ? The conversation.  




Roemer C, Disca T, Coulon A, Bas Y. 2018.Les hauteurs de vol de Chiroptères suivis depuis des mâts de mesures prédisent le risque de mortalité sur les parcs éoliens Symbioses 37 : 25 – 32


Kerbiriou C, Bas Y, Julien J-F et les Groupes Chiroptères de la SFEPM. 2018. Estimations des tendances des populations de Chiroptères à partir des suivis de gîtes hivernaux. Symbioses 37 : 7 – 15


Azam C, Le Viol I, Bas Y, Marmet J, Julien J-F, Pauwels J, Kerbiriou C. 2018. Effectivité de la Trame verte et bleue au regard de la Trame noire : comment limiter l’impact de l’éclairage artificiel nocturne sur les Chauves-souris ? Symbioses 37 : 75 – 77


Marmet J, Groupes Chiroptères régionaux de la SFEPM, Kerbiriou C, Bas Y, Julien J-F. 2018. Une seconde vie pour les données de capture des Chiroptères : amélioration des connaissances sur la phénologie des espèces à travers l’indice de masse corporelle. Symbioses 37 : 79 – 82




Coly R, Barré K, Gourdain P, Kerbiriou C, Marmet J, Touroult J. 2016. Études chiroptérologiques dans les dossiers réglementaires éoliens : disponibilité de l’information et conformité avec les recommandations nationales et européennes. Naturae 1 : 1-10




Azam C, Le Viol I, Kerbiriou C. 2015. Éclairage artificiel nocturne et biodiversité : vers une meilleure intégration de la trame noire dans les trames vertes et bleues. Biodiversité et société en Seine-et-Marne. outils pour l'aménagement du territoire. Tome 4. Illustria, Conseil Général de Seine-et-Marne, MNHN


Gonzalez D, Kerbiriou C, Jiguet F. 2015. Effets des haies et de l’intensité des productions agricoles sur les oiseaux et les chiroptères. Apports du programme de sciences participatives Vigie-Nature. Faune Sauvage 308: 17-21


Parisot-Laprun M, Kerbiriou C. 2015. Activités chiroptérologique en carrière : analyse et comparaison. Actes du 37ème Colloque Francophone de Mammalogie. Bourgogne Nature 21/22: 335-347.




Azam C, Lacoeuilhe A. 2014. Impact de l'éclairage artificiel nocturne sur les communautés de Chiroptères. Envol des Chiros, 2014 n°17


Kerbiriou C, Julien J-F, Arthur L, Depraetere M, Lemaire M, Le Viol I, Lorrilliere R, Maratrat J, Marmet J, Pellissier V, Reneville C. 2014. Suivi national des chauves-souris communes et retombées locales. Symbioses 32 : 57 - 62 57


Marmet J, Julien J-F, Druesne R, Birard J, Lois G, Galand N, Pellissier V Kerbiriou C. 2014. Dépoussiérage des anciens registres de baguage : le cas de l‘Île-de-France. Symbioses 32 : 77 – 82




Marmet J. 2013. De l’insolite dans les filets. L'Envol des Chiros, septembre 2013 - n°15


Gager Y, Kerbiriou C, Julien J-F. 2012. Vigie-Nature : programme français de suivi de la biodiversité Le suivi temporel des chauves-souris communes : premiers résultats et perspectives. Le Naturaliste Vendéen 9 : 13 – 19


Kerbiriou C, Marmet J, Monsarrat S, Robert A, Lemaire M, Arthur L, Haquart A, Julien J-F. 2012. Eléments de réflexion sur le suivi des gîtes de chiroptères. Symbioses 28


Kerbiriou C, Julien J-F, Bas Y, Dufrene L, Arthur L, Lemaire M, Lorrilliere R, Marmet J. 2012. Le suivi national des chauves-souris communes, un suivi de population ? Symbioses 28


Marmet J, Julien J-F, Kerbiriou C. 2011. Dépoussiérage de 30 ans de données de baguage. L'Envol des Chiros, octobre 2011 - n°11


Kerbiriou C, Julien J-F, Deguines N, Gasc A, Lorrilliere R, Loïs G, Jiguet F, Julliard R, Couvet D. 2010.Suivi temporel des chauves-souris communes, premiers résultats et perspectives. Symbioses 25 :1-7


Kerbiriou C, Julien J-F, Ancrenaz K, Gadot AS, Lois G, Jiguet F, Julliard R. 2008.Suivi des espèces communes après les oiseaux... les chauves-souris ? Symbioses 21



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